AdvanaCare Inc
AdvanaCare Inc Gardena CA 90248
If you think you have COVID-19 and need a test, contact your health care provider or local health department immediately. You can also find a community testing site in your state, or buy an FDA-authorized at-home test. Some FDA-authorized at-home tests give you results within minutes. Others require you to mail the sample to a lab for analysis
COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.
Testing for Travel
Can I use my COVID-19 test results from CVS for Hawaii’s pre-travel testing program?
Non-vaccinated travelers: In accordance with Hawaii’s Pre-Travel COVID-19 Testing Program,external site opens in new window the state will accept results from PCR/NAAT tests only, which CVS offers at drive-thru lab testing locations (Rapid-result antigen test results are not accepted). Also, results must be returned prior to departure from the U.S. mainland to Hawaii. Patient samples collected at our COVID-19 drive-thru testing sites are sent offsite to independent, third-party labs that are responsible for processing the results. While turnaround times are 1-2 days on average, we cannot guarantee, prioritize or otherwise expedite results.
Vaccinated travelers: Effective July 8, the state of Hawaii will eliminate its pre-travel testing/quarantine requirement for domestic travelers to Hawaii who have been fully vaccinated in the United States. Vaccinated travelers to Hawaii must upload their CDC-issued record card to the state’s Safe Travels Program Websiteexternal site opens in new window and have the card with them upon arrival in Hawaii.